
36 Hours in Dubai

A Psychic and a Skeptic Walk Into a Vortex

36 Hours at Joshua Tree

In the World’s Driest Desert, Ancient Wisdom Blooms Eternal

‘The Place Where Shamans Dream’: Safeguarding Spirit Mountain

Are 1,818 Airbnbs Too Many in Joshua Tree?

A Photographer’s View of Jordan’s Many Splendors

The Eerie, Lunar Nothingness of Namibia’s Skeleton Coast

Inside a Peyote Pilgrimage

Surviving in Isolation, Where the Steppe Has Turned to Sand

Drought and Abundance in the Mesopotamian Marshes

Glimpses of Sudan’s Forgotten Pyramids

‘Do Not Touch the Flowers!’ One Family’s Eco-Adventure in the American Southwest

The Oasis at the End of the Dusty Road

In Israel, Affordable Desert Adventures